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Diamond Depth & Table

What is a Diamond Depth?

Diamond Depth

Diamond depth is a very important factor, while it's measured in height in millimeters, from the culet to the table tip (top surface of the diamond). There are normally two measurements that are taken into the consideration; the first method is the height in millimeters. The second method is depth in percentage, which indicates the diamond depth relating to its widths. A diamond with an ideal diamond depth will let the light strike each pavilion facet at an angle that allows most of the light to reflect back to the top.

What to look for Ideal Depth of Diamond?

The ideal depth of the diamond varies with the different shapes of the diamond. Here, the depth is often graded in scores from Poor to Excellent. Diamond Depth relies on the actual aesthetic appeal of diamond beauty and light performance.

There are two different measures for the depth of the diamond, the foremost measurement, represented in millimeters, guides the total height of the diamond, while the second has to do with its depth percentage.

Percentage of Diamond Depth

To view the depth percentage, divide the diamond's physical depth measurement by its width. Also, depth is considered within a certain range, with any value between 56.5 and 65 percent believed to be good. However, the perfect depth is between 62.9 and 59.5 percent. A diamond with an entire depth percentage under 55% may have shallow pavilions, thin girdles, shallow crowns, or a combination of these things.

What is a Diamond Table?


The diamond table plays a vital role in creating diamond brilliance, as they refract the entering light rays and allows reflected light rays back into the viewer's eyes. It's the facet that is been viewed when the diamond is seen from the top face view. Here, it's a very important factor as the brilliance and light performance have been considered from it. The primary objective of the table facet is to reflect rays entering the diamond and allow them to be reflected back from the pavilion.

What to look for Ideal Diamond Table Size?

Generally, everyone assumes larger diamonds have a larger table size as well they have a large proportion but depending on how the diamond is cut and faceted the table size is taken into consideration. Hence, the diamond table is graded on scores from poor to excellent in accordance with the diamond grading report. The table size is not always relevant to the entire stone.

Percentage of Diamond Table

The table percentage is estimated based on the size of the table, divided by the average girdle diameter of the diamond, as the ideal table percentage will change, as well based on the shape of your diamond. For illustration, the ideal table for round-cut diamonds is between 54-60 percent, while the perfect dimensions for emerald-cut diamonds put a table percentage between 66-72 percent. Here, the table of every diamond varies on the base of its shape.

Why diamond depth and table should be selected correctly?

There are two primary aspects of diamond cut that impact its lights performance. So, while purchasing a diamond its depth and table always matter which highly affects the luster, fire, scintillation, and brilliance of a diamond. When purchasing jewelry the elegance and appearance of the diamond are necessary and it's the thing that we look for. Another reason to choose the depth and table correctly, the price is determined by these two factors. Always remember that jewelers usually leverage these apparently insignificant details while pricing their diamonds.

Get the Ideal Depth and Table

This Combine factor shows the internal and external beauty of the diamond. They display whether the stone is been cut in relation to its proportions or not. Finally, the depth and table of a diamond decide how well the stone reflects rays. The values for the depth and table are measured in percentages. This is a good thing because percentages stay consistent regardless of a diamond’s size. Any diamond can have an ideal depth and table, though keep in mind that the superior range is different for each diamond shape.

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