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Diamond Girdle

A Girdle is a narrow rim around the broadest fringe of the diamond. It is also sometimes mentioned because of the "setting edge" where a diamond is held when set in jewelry. The Diamond Girdle must be good - it cannot be too thin or too thick or it'll affect the strength of the diamond. If a Girdle is too thick, it can affect the stone's brilliance and make it heavier (which, in turn, makes it more expensive). This is often an excellent example of how knowing these diamond terms can assist you to get a better value diamond at an honest price.

When a diamond is sent for Certification, it is measured from various points (color, cut, clarity) along the Girdle to determine its thickest and thinnest points.

The Girdle of Diamond is most often rated as a range, like 'Very Thin to Thick', to accommodate the variance between the thickest and thinnest point.

Girdle Ratings and Characteristics 


Extremely Thin: could also be susceptible to chipping or breaking; care should be taken when setting stone;

Very Thin: excellent gemstone proportion but care should be taken when setting stone;

Thin, Medium: Ideal gemstone proportion;

Slightly Thick, Thick: Excellent to Ideal gemstone proportion;

Very Thick: Good gemstone proportion

Extremely Thick: This May make a diamond look smaller since more depth is obsessed by Girdle.

Start by looking at the diagrams presented below. These diamonds both have great Table and Depth percentages and they appear to be the same from a top view.

Start by looking at the diagrams presented below. These diamonds both have great Table and Depth percentages and they appear to be the same from a top view.

Why does a Diamond Cutter Cut a Thick Girdle?


The Diamond Girdle is the widest part, which equals weight, which, in turn, equals a higher justified price. This practice has been going on in the diamond industry for a long time.

The price contrast between a 0.90 carat and a 1.00 carat is approximately $1,500 to $2,000. This is often a significant financial incentive for jewelers and cutters. Over 50% of the diamonds on the market today have thick Girdles. This is often a part that you just won’t find many other jewelers talking about.

How does Girdle Effects Diamond?

In the Roud-cut Diamond, the girdle effects are taken more into consideration, while in the other fancy diamond cut the girdle impact is less. As the round cut diamond has a direct effect on the cut grade of the diamond. The 'Girdle' of a Diamond defines the outer edge and wall between the Crown and Pavilion of a lustrous Diamond. The diamond is properly cut and proportionate as the excellent grade for the round cut is from medium to slightly thick. If the girdle of diamond is totally uneven the diamond's symmetry will be disproportionate and adversely affected.

Buyer's Guide For Diamond Girdle

For those who are looking for an ideal diamond cut, we suggest going for the girdle grade between thick and thin. A correctly proportioned diamond would have a Medium girdle rating, though ratings close to Medium are also believed to be expertly cut. Here, we advise that a medium girdle is the best choice, as it reflects light nicely and is unlikely to chip.

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