Diamond Education

Get a Detailed Understanding of Diamond Facts and Factors Affecting Diamond Quality.

Know The Various Type of Diamond Beads

What Is Diamond Beads? Let me explain, beads diamonds are one type of diamond but a little bit different diamond form, a usually round object of glass, wood, stone, or...

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Diamond Buying Guide: How to Pick the Right Diamond

  When you are buying a diamond for creating an engagement ring, wedding ring, or any the jewelry there are several things to keep in mind. The quality and value...

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Diamond Fluorescence

Years ago, when the diamond was crystallizing, it would give the diamond a phenomenon known as fluorescence if the element boron were present. These diamonds would glow or radiate a...

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  What is Diamond Polish? Diamond polish is the finish made after it has been cut on the diamond's surface. However, flaws could be produced by the polishing tool during...

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What is a Colorless Diamond?

Diamonds form a major sector of the jewelry and social aspects of mainstream society such as in engagement and marriage. Their value, coupled with an exquisite, elegant look makes them...

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Know more about Salt and Pepper Diamonds [Guide]

What Is a Salt and Pepper Diamond? The term “Salt and Pepper Diamond” pertains to a stone with a mixture of black and white inclusions, providing it with a silky...

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Top 10 Most Expensive Diamond

Since the dawn of time, people have always been tempted towards mysterious, beautiful, and rare objects. Diamonds are one of the prettiest stones discovered by humans in the nature of...

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