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Diamond Clarity - Know More About

Clarity is a measure of the tiny imperfections found the most and everywhere in a diamond.

A flawless diamond with little to no imperfections is often desired due to its rarity. But they are also being the costliest ones. Thus, it is important to keep in mind that it is very common to find diamonds with slight imperfections.

These imperfections also are recognized as “inclusions”. They usually occur during the diamond’s crystallization period inside the Earth. This can also happen because of the stresses of mining and processing. Inclusions are anything from tiny white points to dark dots, cracks, or scratches. The fewer the inclusions are, the more valuable the stone is. The clarity can be calculated using a 10 x power magnification. This means that the object viewed appears 10 times its actual size. The diamond grader examines the natural clarity characteristics. Besides this, a number of characteristics are included, such as size, color, and position. The clarity grade assigned reflects the degree of visibility of the characteristics.



Diamonds 4C’s & New C’s

Diamond Clarity has a great influence on the pricing of any loose diamond. With a higher Clarity (FL and near grades), prices move upwards. And if the Clarity is near to I3 or down, the price decreases. One more thing is important – FL clarity is rare, and hardly less than 1% of all diamonds ever mined have FL quality.

The GIA Diamond Clarity Grade scale has five main categories of clarity characteristics. All with 11 grades in all.

  • Clarity is the measure of the number and size of the tiny imperfections that occur in diamonds.

  • Many of these imperfections are microscopic and do not affect diamonds & beauty in any way.

You will know much from diamonds clarity but of all the 4 C’s it is the easiest to understand. According to many experts, diamond clarity has less impact on a diamond’s appearance. Clarity stands for the tiny imperfections that occur in all the finest diamonds. In technical names, Gemologists refer to it as blemishes, inclusions, and many others. Diamonds with the least and smallest imperfections receive the highest clarity grades. As these imperfections tend to be microscopic they do not affect the diamond's beauty anyway.

Which diamond clarity is right for me?


* Select an eye-clean diamond that has no imperfections. Visible to the unaided eye through the crown. Diamonds of this clarity are less expensive than FL to VVS1 diamonds. The prices are rare and command higher prices.

* Imperfections in diamonds graded with (SI 1/2) are not visible to the naked eye making them value for money. For further guidance on SI1 Quality diamond, you can mail us or call us at the given contact number on the website. We will help you with which one to choose.

What Other Offers?

Most of the online retailers offer SI1 To I3 grade diamonds. Although the picture may or may not depict the actual product they are selling. Every diamond clarity has its own price, So most people are being fooled here. So it’s requested you must buy from genuine sellers and make sure what you are buying.

We offer almost every quality of loose diamonds. Every quality has its own price and value.

 Diamond clarity looks at if a diamond has any imperfections. The more clean or clear, the more valuable it is. Some flaws are easy to see, but others can only be seen under magnification. Flaws can either be an inherent part of the stone as a result of how it formed, or they can be a result of the manufacturing process.

Some imperfections that you might find in a diamond are crystals, chips, cavities, graining, bruises, burns polish lines, or scratches. The scale ranges from F (flawless inside and out) to I1, I2, and I3 (included, three levels).

Expert tip: It can be quite difficult to see the imperfections in a diamond with the naked eye, depending on where in the diamond they are located. If you look at an SI2 (slightly included, two levels) diamond and can’t see any of the flaws without magnification, you can save a lot on the diamond without compromising on its appeal.

All about quality and usability of Loose VVS diamonds

In the terms of quality and clarity, loose vvs diamonds are at the top of the line. You can choose them according to your own choice because they come in different colors ranging from G to H. You can also find them in round shapes, 1.10-3.40mm diameters, and weights that can meet your requirements. To ensure the authenticity of loose vvs diamonds inspection, validation, and certification are done. A VVS loose diamond wholesale can match your demands and budgets.

What is a VVS diamond?


The diamonds all around the globe are appraised with the help of 4C’s that are Cut, Color, Carat, and Clarity. VVS Diamonds are one of the best clarity grades of diamonds. The imperfections are not visible to the human eye because they have minute inclusions. Even with help of 10x magnification, it is very difficult to see it because the inclusions are so small.

As they are among the greatest diamond sets in the world so they are a bit pricey. Purchasing VVS diamond wholesale may help you to minimize your expense. The vvs are the highest available in terms of quality. Because of the popularity of vvs diamonds that have incredible brilliance and stunning sparkle they are in great demand.

Are they good for investment?

These diamonds make great investment sense. They have a very high intrinsic value; they are always in the demand and can last forever. Moreover, their size is very small so you can easily secure and store them. It is a precious metal. Nowadays the low-interest rate and failing markets are making investments in diamonds look appealing. But it will be silly to buy them without knowing the risks and potential pitfalls. Purchasing a high-quality diamond in a popular shape can help you to avoid certain risks.

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