When it comes to Diamond Education we try to educate our viewers to deliver the best knowledge regarding diamonds. If you are going to buy diamonds and you don’t have enough knowledge about how to buy and what to buy then you should have proper Diamond Education.
This blog is to Educate the one who is about to purchase diamonds and love diamonds. 4c's of diamonds are necessary for purchasing any diamond accessory or jewelry.
Below you will learn in detail about the different variety of diamond shapes. You will know more about diamonds with the help of 4c's of a diamond- clarity, cut, carat, and color. 4 C’s are standard scales declared by GIA (Gemological Institute of America). Let’s learn more about diamonds in this Diamond Education Center.
Unique characteristics determine the quality, look, and luster of the different shapes. Selection of your diamond shape. Read more about Diamond Shapes by clicking on that know more button
People consider the color of the diamonds as the most important factor when selecting a diamond or a piece of diamond jewelry. Get more information regarding Diamond Colors by clicking on Know More Button
A Diamond Grading Report includes all of the stone’s defining characteristics and scores. Diamond Certification is the only thing by which you can let others know that your diamond is natural or not. Read more Certification of Diamond and when and how you get it. Click "Know More" button.
Carat weight is the easiest to understand among the 4C’s. The Carat is the measurement unit of the diamond. And one of the most important factors related to Diamonds. Click on "Know More" to read more about Carat Weight.
A diamond’s cut grade is an aimed measure of a diamond’s light performance. It is an important factor as it depends on the beauty of the whole Diamond. Get more information regarding "Diamond Cut" by clicking on "Know More" Button
Although you will know much about diamond clarity, it is the easiest of the four Cs to understand. Once you understand Diamond Clarity you will be able to find impurities and inclusions in Diamond. Get to know more regarding this topic by clicking on "Know More".
The culet is the tiny facet or point at the bottom of a diamond, where the pavilion facets meet. One of the most important benefits of Culets is that it protects the Diamond bottom from chipping. Read more by clicking on the "Know More" button
The girdle is the thin perimeter of a diamond, dividing the crown from the pavilion. It shouldn't be too thin or too thick or else it will affect on Diamonds strength. Click on "Know More" to read about Diamond Girdle.
A loose pearl with fluorescence will exude a gentle, bluish glow when placed under UV. Get to know more about Diamond Fluorescence by clicking on "Know More" button.
Polish and symmetry are key elements that impact a diamond’s finish and sparkle. Although after polishing a diamond there might be some flaws. Click on "Know More" and read more about Diamond Polish & Symmetry.
Learn how diamond depth and table affect its cut and brilliance. get more knowledge regarding Diamond Depth & Table by clicking the "Know More" button.
Diamonds often own unique markings – either internal (inclusions) or external (blemishes). A diamond’s clarity grade depends on the absence or presence of such inclusions.
The following lists some common terms used for diamonds’ internal and external characteristics.
External Flaws | Internal Flaws |
The clarity grade of a diamond not only affects its value and price. It can also be a good sign of the diamond’s vulnerability. Heavily included diamonds that can be prone to breakage.
Diamond Grade Chart
The AGS Diamond Grading scale is easy to understand while they rank from 0-10 on the grading scale. Here the highest grade is 0 and the lowest grade is 10.
For Example, a diamond having grade 4 has less color than a diamond having grade no 7. So, when you are grading a diamond with this AGS scale then the Cut grade is to be seen first then clarity, color, and carat are seen. For more information go through our Diamond Grade Chart and get some more information about it.
Diamond Buying Guide
Buying a diamond is not an easy task as it requires a considerable investment. It is important to pay attention to several aspects before making a purchase. Ensuring that you get what you pay for is crucial. It's always a good idea to do your research before buying, as diamonds are a luxurious accessory that brings out your inner glow with their beauty and sparkle. Click here to learn more about the key factors to consider before purchasing a diamond.
The Alternative of Natural Diamond
For an eco-friendly choice, Lab Created Diamonds stand out as an excellent option. They not only offer sustainability but also affordability. Lab Diamonds closely resemble natural diamonds in appearance, formation, and overall characteristics. The key difference lies in their origin, as these diamonds are grown in laboratories. This makes them a highly suitable and responsible alternative to mined diamonds, presenting a win-win combination of ethical sourcing and cost-effectiveness, for detailed knowledge click here.